▷ Secure 1 neckband. SNR 26 dB. | DACAR

Secure 1 neckband. SNR 26 dB.

The Secure 1 neckband hearing protector with neck harness is a perfect solution when hearing protection is needed in combination with welding helmets, impact caps, construction helmets, wide brim helmets or stand-alone face protection. It is compatible with the Safe 3 face shield (to be ordered separately).

The neckband is made of insulated steel wire to be non-conductive, while the soft support band improves the fit, resting lightly on the crown of the head, ensuring comfort throughout the workday.

Protection level 1 is suitable for low to medium noise levels, between 75-90 dB, and short-term exposure to medium to high noise levels.

The Secure 1 ear muffs with neck harness are indicated for use in many different work environments, such as general manufacturing industries, working with power tools, construction or DIY.

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Ref.: 43001001 Categorías: ,


Secure 1 neckband. SNR 26 dB

  • Protection level 1 for low to medium noise (70-90 dB)
  • Very slim and light weight (192 gr)
  • Compatible with welding helmets, safety helmets and bump caps
  • Made out of durable and non-conductive materials compatible for use in the electrical sector
  • Compatible with the Safe 3 faceshield
  • Replaceable ear cushions with “snap-in” system
  • CE EN352-3, SNR 26 dB. H.: 29 / M.: 23 / L.: 16
  • Environmental approvals: ROHS, REACH
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